Health Economics Evidence in Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) can be a useful tool to aid healthcare decision making, but in order to be relevant and used in practice the CPG content should support users to make transparent, informed healthcare decisions when allocating and consuming finite resources. Health economic evidence can be incorporated in CPG development using a variety of methodological approaches. The best approach might vary depending on the intervention type, data availability, and technical skill, but should ideally enable the user/decision-maker to make a more informed decision on whether a particular intervention represents the best use of available health resources in their local context.
The main aim of this project is to advance the usability of CPGs in decision-making through relevant incorporation of health economic evidence, in addition to other factors. We hope to achieve this aim in collaboration with the South African CPG community (funders, developers and users) by eliciting views and encouraging debate on the current challenges in using health economic evidence in CPGs, its ideal future role (if different), and possible solutions that can help bridge the gap.