In collaboration with national and international partners, the CEBHC, funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID), aims to increase evidence-informed decision making to improve health and health care for the poor in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) via the Effective Health Care Research Consortium (EHCRC) ( Together partners work towards preparing and updating Cochrane Reviews on the effects of health care interventions relevant to LMICs; and identifying approaches to ensure dissemination and use of the results of systematic reviews in decision making. The CEBHC leads this work in the African region. Within South Africa, the CEBHC works closely with Cochrane South Africa at the South African Medical Research Council.


This project has played an instrumental role in the establishment and formal registration of Cochrane Africa. This network has been working in the region for many years and was formally registered as a Cochrane entity in September 2017 at the Global Evidence Summit.


At the Global Evidence Summit in 2017 we showcased EHCRC methods in a special session (presentation videos available here and actively contributed in workshops and presentations