Policy BUDDIES – BUilding Demand for evidence in Decision making through Interaction and Enhancing Skills

Policy BUDDIES was a collaborative project by the Centre for Evidence based Health Care (CEBHC and Health systems and services research unit at Stellenbosch University, Cochrane South Africa, the Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health (Cameroon) and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The collaboration drew on partners experience in working in the area of knowledge translation.


The project was conducted in South Africa and Cameroon, and consisted of 5 phases (Figure).

Policy Buddies Project Phases


Summary: Policy BUDDIES flier


  1. Langlois EV, Montekio VB, Young T, Song K, Alcalde-Rabanal J, Tran N. Enhancing evidence informed policymaking in complex health systems: lessons from multi-site collaborative approaches. Health Research Policy and Systems. 2016,14:20 doi:10.1186/s12961-016-0089-0 Access it here
  2. Naude C, Zani B, Ongolo-Zogo P, Wiysonge C, Dudley L, Kredo T, Garner P, Young T. Research evidence and policy: qualitative study in selected provinces in South Africa and Cameroon. Implementation Science2015, 10:126 Access it here
  3. Young T, Shearer JC, Naude C, et al Researcher and policymaker dialogue: the Policy BUDDIES Project in Western Cape Province, South Africa BMJ Global Health 2018;3:e001130. Access it here

Useful resource:


This project is supported by the Alliance for Health Policy and System Research, World Health Organization.